
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Something to do - Paper Town

Wanna play?
E's Nanny (No, we don't have a nanny for our kids. I'm talking about my mother-in-law.) gave her a subscription to High Five from Highlights. In the latest issue there was a paper town craft and this rainy day was the perfect day to set this up. We cut, glued and pasted and made a preschool, a library, a bank, a grocery store, a diner and pharmacy. They came out pretty cute, don't ya think?
As we were making these paper houses I remembered this post I read a while back and modified it for us. I wanted something I could easily clean up when H crawls around so we put the tape down on a blanket. We  didn't seal the tops of our houses, for easy storage reasons. E thinks it's great that she can open up the bags. How else are the little people going to get in to the grocery store?
I'm thinking we might add on to this town with more blankets and more houses (we can easily make our own doors and windows) someday.
So, wanna play? Head on over.
And if you bring a child or two our kids can play
and we can chat over a cup of tea.


  1. You did a great job, I'm glad you are using the magazine's ideas.

  2. What a great idea! I love that you put the tape on a blanket for easy reuse. Do you mind if I add a link to your post on mine (from Fun and Engaging Toddler Activities) to let my readers know about this idea?

  3. I'd be honored! I love your blog.

  4. What a great idea, love it! So much fun!
