
Monday, November 8, 2010

Chowder - Faith Food

When I wake up in the morning I grab my iPhone, go to my bookmarks and click on Proverbs 31. I also try to get another quiet time in during the day, but sometimes that can be quite the challenge. So as I was reading these words this morning I felt convicted:
"I tried to feed my faith on a two minute devotional in the morning…"
 And I decided to take the author up on her challenge. I would hide His word in my heart, just as scripture tells me to. And the verse I decided to start with is the introduction verse of today's devo over at P31.

"Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
Romans 10:17 (NIV) 

"Alltså kommer tron av predikan, och predikan i kraft av Kristi ord."
Romarbrevet 10:17


  1. awesome Linda! what a great place to start! it coincides with what we were discussing last friday at MOPS! love it!

  2. i also wanted to add this verse, which is short and sweat, but goes along with your verse for today.

    "Take heed what you hear." Mark 4:24a

  3. Thanks for that verse! I was thinking about MOPS the whole time as I was reading the devo. I think it's pretty clear that God was asking me to spend more time in His word, so I better listen, right? =)

  4. I wrote it on the tub wall so I can meditate over it every time I take a shower. =)

  5. that's a great idea Linda!! i put it on a flash card to carry with me in my purse. :)
