
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chowder - Fruit *freebie*

When it comes to disciplining my children - my 4 year old mostly since my 1 year old isn't as strong willed (yet) - I sometimes get frustrated and discipline from the works of the flesh. You know, bursting out in anger for example. I try though, to stay calm, but that's just it. I try. And then I fail every so often. Because I don't let the Holy Spirit work through me. So while sitting in my church chair this morning, listening to the preaching pastor, my mind started spinning. What can I do to remember the fruit of the Spirit and recognize the works of the flesh. I decided to make subway art cards to print out and post on my fridge. Just because I walk by it so many times during the day. (And maybe it will stop me from opening the door to the refrigerator a few times too.) 

I figured I might not be the only one who struggles with this and likes a visual reminder so here's a little freebee (or is it freebie?) for ya.

Just click HERE for an enlarged image of the fruit of the Spirit to print...

and HERE to enlarge the works of the flesh.

(btw, I chose to use the NLT version of the Bible for this since I understood every word but one (dissension) which hubby explained to me so know I know.)

And thanks for a great message pastor S!


  1. Oh this is fabulous!! Yes, it was a terrific message at church this morning...I was thinking of making a tree (out of posterboard), hanging it in the kitchen on a wall, and then I will hand my children a piece of "fruit" (paper cut out with one of the fruits of the spirit written on it) when I "catch" them demonstrating that fruit, and they can hang them on the tree? I know, I'm not artsy, but it's an idea that's been brewing in my would help our whole family to SEE as we bear fruit :) I love your freebie...thank you!!

  2. Wow, thanks for sharing this. I was sitting in church asking myself what style of parenting my child is witnessing from me... one that exhibits more of the fruit of the spirit or the fruit of the flesh. So interesting that I wasn't the only one! :)

  3. wow! wish I knew that when I raised you.....
    But I think you turned out great anyway:-)
    I´m so proud of you, Love you!

  4. I love these freebies! thanks for sharing! It's funny when I was trying to control my frustrations with L yesterday I was thinking "I wonder if anyone else has a hard time with this too!" and like you said 'I' was doing it on my own! thanks for sharing the pics you made and this blog :)

  5. Thanks for the freebie! I teach a 3rd - 5th grade group of girls at church on Wednesday nights and we just started a study on the Fruits of the Spirit. I ordered 20 prints from Wal-Mart and will be giving them to the girls. I also had a 5x7 printed for myself and I am going to frame it.

  6. @Kristi
    I hope your class is doing great! I'm glad you found your way over here and found the little cards useful.
