
Monday, October 18, 2010

Something to do - Themed Puzzles

I read this post the other day and thought it was such a great and simple idea. What a lovely way to enjoy the cards people take time to send you. As I've mentioned before I like themed activities. This one can be changed up in so many ways. There is the obvious Christmas and Easter cards, birthday cards and other cards that you receive throughout the year. You can also print photos of your family and friends (or any photo you like). And you can make these puzzles however simple or difficult you want, depending on your child's age and abilities. If you save them for next year you could even make a simple puzzle more difficult by cutting the existing pieces in half.We only have two Halloween puzzles as of right now. We usually don't receive many Halloween cards. But I can't wait for Christmas. I usually save old Christmas cards so we'll have plenty of puzzles then. Some of these are photo cards. Who knows, maybe your head will be on a puzzle this year. =)