
Friday, October 29, 2010

Something to do - Sticker wall

What kid doesn't like stickers? I know my oldest daughter does. (And I'm sure my younger one will too, when she's older.) The thing is though, I would find stickers EVERYWHERE! On the bed, on the night stand on the coffee table, inside grandpa's cabinet (hubby's grandpa's), on the kitchen table, on the floor... Well, I got tired of asking her to remove them. And some of them were very hard to remove. So I stuck a big piece of paper on the side of her wardrobe and called it her sticker wall. Guess what... it worked. No more stickers throughout the house! She eventually filled it up and I replaced it with a new sheet. The new sheet has different shapes on it so now she has to sort her stickers when she puts them up. I considered sorting colors, but realized that would be pretty silly since stickers are mostly multi colored. I think I will create a maze next time. She will have to fill the right path with stickers. I think she will like that. Do you have any other suggestions? I would love to hear them.

(Yeah, I know, I'm such a skillful photographer.)


  1. I love this idea!! My boys like stickers too, especially the little guy. This year when we started school, I gave them each a notebook, with calendar pages inside. Everyday we add stickers to the calendar pages, and they get to decorate each new month with stickers too.

  2. ooh, I like that calendar idea. makes me want to put stickers in my own calendar again. (which I did way up my teen years, haha)

  3. My daughter loves stickers and as you said I have a hard time telling her not to stick it all over the house. Your idea sounds great, I will give it a try.

