
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Something to do - Matching "Game"

E likes to play Memory. She calls it "the matching game". Here she is working on a different type of matching game though. She had fun trying to find all the matches.

I started thinking of some chores for her after reading this post and sorting socks will definitely be one of them. I just though the mailbox thing was such a cute idea. I will modify it to fit our ways of doing things (once I figure out what they are), but I'm not sure I'm a "pay per chore" type of mom. I have to think about that one (and discuss it with my husband). We have a while before we have to make a decision though. For now I just want E to get used to some responsibility. Sock sorting and shoe organizing sounds good to me. And doing the dishes when they're made of plastic.
Please share ideas for my future chore cards. Thanks!


  1. Great job, E! :) My kids LOVED helping with laundry early on...gathering it, sorting by color, sitting on the dryer and helping put the laundry in the washer, hauling the warm clothes from the dryer, sorting socks, folding washcloths. Now they can fold more and even put items away. They set the table, empty the dishwasher (certain items), carry condiments to and from the fridge. They tidy toys, especially when I am specific (so and so, put the blocks away, so and so, put the dress up clothes away.) As they get older (Big N is 8 1/2), they vacuum, dust, even windex the bathroom mirror/sink/counter. I have heard from many friends to get them involved in "chores" sooner than later. Oh and I don't pay them...Big N "earned" video/computer time this summer for working (do dishes = 10 minutes of video/computer time, etc.)

  2. Thank you so much Kristina! E is getting excited about helping out so I figured now's the time to start chores. I like the earning special things instead of money. I figured an allowance will come some day, but I don't want her to have the option of not helping out just because she doesn't want money right then and there. It should just be something we all do. And when you work you normally get paid once every two weeks (or something) and not for every little thing you do.
    Thanks again for all of your ideas. They will go on chore cards (without a price tag).
